difficulty: easy-ish (Tuesday)
Lots of exciting personal news: first of all, me and Kaybart won the pairs division at the Boswords Winter Wondersolve, which was great - both our unexpected victory and the four puzzles themselves which were unsurprisingly brilliant. (But how could they not be, with a line-up like Kate Chin Park, Christina Iverson, Ade Koiko, and Matthew Stock!?!?) Registration is now open for the Boswords Spring Themeless League, which will be similarly great.
Even more exciting: after a successful Kickstarter, the AVCX's expansion is kicking off tomorrow, so for the low cost of $30 a year you will be getting daily-ish content from some of the best people in the crossword game. Including myself, both as a constructor and as an editor of various themeless puzzles. So yes - two midis, a themed puzzle, a themeless, a cryptic, and a trivia game! Every week, more or less. For $30. If you aren't subscribed, you're missing out!
Anyway - here's a slightly belated puzzle. It's the best sort of puzzle: a puzzle where you'll either not get the theme at all or get the theme and *hate* it. Hope you like it despite that. Applet under the cut.