Thursday, August 26, 2021

#30: It's No Paddington 2 (Themeless #13)


difficulty: middle-of-the-road

You know, I figured I'd take a stab at making a gentle puzzle for once. This one turned out to be pretty topical. Thanks to Norah and Frisco for testing and confirming this is less tricky than normal.

Lots of exciting stuff happening in terms of me and crosswords. I was working the help line at Lollapuzzoola last weekend (alongside the lovely Jaime Stearns), so I got to watch 300 people beg for help on Brooke Husic's beautiful Puzzle 4 in real time. On top of that, I've been busy on other indie venues - last week I did a guest puzzle on Tim Croce's blog *and* a bonus puzzle for AVCX subscribers that sort of functions as a sequel to last month's "Go the F to Sleep." And I have an Atlantic puzzle dropping this Sunday. All very cool.

Anyway, enjoy the puzzle; share it if you like it. Applet under the cut.