Friday, May 3, 2024

#49: Gentlewoman Thief (Themeless #22)


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Hello to everyone visiting QVXwordz for the first time from the link in that Slate profile! I hope you're enjoying my work there... and I hope you aren't scared off by the difficulty of the puzzles on this site! Because what I have for you today is a 64-word themeless that I would call "sizzlin' hot," difficulty-wise. Shout-out to Lila Goldenberg, Will Eisenberg, and Colin Adams (what, no berg?) who all chipped in on the test-solves on this one. (And speaking of shout-outs, check out that 1-Down clue!)

Surprisingly, this is the first themeless grid I've published that was made using Ingrid, the super-cool (and super FREE!) construction software from Ryan Fitzgerald. I say "surprisingly" because I created the program's adorable mascot. She's so cute! The main consequence of this is that there's a couple entries in this grid which weren't on my personal wordlist but which exist on Spread the Word(list), and thus enabled some fun entries here.

What else is new? Hm, well - AVCX's submission window opened on Wednesday, which was nice. We got maybe a dozen submissions on the first day, and only one of them was about butts! I haven't figured out what to do with all the themeless grids I've been making - maybe I'll sell little packs of pay-what-you-want grids on Ko-fi or one of those sorts of websites? And there's always the Redstone app. Let me know what you guys would like, on that front. Anyway, as always, the applet is under the cut; enjoy.