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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Five by Five #5

A double dose of Five by Fives this week to make up for lost time. Sid Sivakumar kindly gave this one a whirl before it went to print; what a mensch. I think this is my favorite grid of the initial bunch, on account of how coherent this one feels. 5x5s are kind of punishing to do well on account of you only having ten entries, all of which have to interlock, which makes it sort of a small miracle that this grid has such pleasing symmetry to it (you'll know what I mean after you solve it). Enjoy.

If you didn't do it, I edited an AVCX grid last week by Parker Higgins and Mali Handa titled "Low Scores," which kind of totally rocks!?!? Give it a whirl if you haven't already.

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