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Thursday, May 6, 2021

#25: Coochie Coup (Themeless #10)


difficulty: hard (Saturday)

Been a while since I've posted a themeless - which is odd, because I know from site analytics that those are what y'all tune in for. Well, here's a themeless, and a svelte 66-worder at that. You will be extremely unsurprised to learn that 56-Across is the seed here, but I actually kind of like 1-Across more.

Thanks to Will Nediger for test-solving this one. Applet is under the cut; enjoy.


  1. Hi Quiara,
    Congrats on the cool puzzles published so far.

    I maintain the Redstone's "Crossword Puzzle Free" app for mobile platforms (iOS/Android), and I currently work w/ Ross Trudeau, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Paolo Pasco, Fred Piscop, Andrew Ries, Matthew Stock, David Alfred Bywaters, Will Nediger and many others. I’d be happy to feature some of your puzzles (you'll retain the rights to your puzzles) in my app and pay for them. Please let me know if you’re interested, and I can provide more information about the puzzles.

    Eduardo (

  2. Thanks for keeping us olds honest - we get there slowly but eventually
