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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

#20: Something Different


difficulty: @#$!? (n/a)

I was going to publish this on April Fool's, but figured I could do better.

So what's a "Something Different" puzzle? Well, it's not really all that different from your standard American crossword, except that the long entries are hot nonsense like MOJITO SPEEDBOAT or UH OH! MY BRA IS GONE or DR. MARIO'S GOT A GUN. (Some of the short entries are nonsensical too, but in less delightful ways.) To compensate, all the clues are pretty straightforward definitions. The end result is kind of a trip: e.g., how often do you see a quadruple stack of fifteen-letter entries? (Or two, as is the case here?) That's the magic of a Something Different, baby.

Anyway, let me know what you think. Applet under the cut. Enjoy.

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