See Also

Published Work

NOTA BENE: This list is outdated; you can find a more updated/organized list on my personal website.

Just a list of puzzles I've done for other outlets (mainstream and indie). In reverse chronological order. If you can solve the puzzle online for free, I have linked to it. I have starred ones I think are especially good/worth doing.

2022/02/17, "Hat Trick" (Crucinova)
2021/12/30, "Crying Laughing" (Crucinova)
⭐ 2021/12/10, "A Little Black Comedy (Themeless)" (AVCX, ed. Sid Sivakumar)
2021/11/08, Boswords Fall Themeless League Puzzle 6 (Boswords, ed. Brad Wilber)
2021/08/29, Untitled (The Atlantic)
2021/08/16, "Rear Mirror" (AVCX)
⭐ 2021/07/01, "Take a Stab" (Crucinova)
2021/07/15, "P.S. I Love You" (Fireball)
2021/05/29, "Themeless Saturday" (w/ Matthew Stock) (Newsday)
2021/05/26, "AVCX Themeless #57" (w/ Brendan Emmett Quigley) (AVCX)
⭐2021/04/21, Earth Day (The Atlantic)
2021/02/28, Untitled (w/ Matthew Stock) (The Atlantic)
2021/01/25, "Center Cut" (w/ Matthew Stock)" (USA Today, ed. Erik Agard)
2021/01/07, "It's Your Thing" (USA Today, ed. Erik Agard)
2020/12/07, "VR Headset (w/ Matthew Stock)" (USA Today, ed. Erik Agard)
2020/11/03, "Flawless Victory" (Paolo Pasco's Grids These Days)
2020/11/01, "Halloween Themeless" (Ricky Cruz's Cruzzles)
2020/10/05, "Little-ish Puzzle (w/ Matthew Stock)" (Happy Little Puzzles)
2020/10/02, "Deep Doo Doo (w/ Matthew Stock)" (Happy Little Puzzles)