See Also

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Guest Puzzle: Tribute Demi by Tyler Hinman & Brooke Husic

difficulty: it's brooke and tyler, what do you think?

In lieu of your weekly quote of QVX-stacy, please enjoy this offering from two colossi of crossworld: Tyler Hinman, who you may know from his Twitch streams and/or epic ACPT victory this year, and Brooke Husic, who you may know from her xwords by a. ladee site and/or Boswords championship puzzle last spring. (Oh, and Will Nediger test-solved it - just another indicant of this puzzle's pedigree.) When you're done with the puzzle, you can check out the song being referenced here.

I have a pair of puzzles coming out next month for puzzle subscription services, incidentally, so keep your eyes peeled for those. See you next week. Applet under the cut; enjoy.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

#27: 6 + 13 (Themeless #12)


difficulty: hard (Saturday)

God bless Adam Aaronson, who has made not one but two Steely Dan themed puzzles, and inspired at least two imitators - you can blame him for the sort of goofy seed entry here. You'll know it when you fill it in and go "ugh." I'll leave it to him to determine whether this qualifies as a "Grid Charlemagne."

If you're sick of my BS, good news: there'll be a Very Special Guest Puzzle on the blog next week courtesy of two crossworld luminaries, so look out for that. Speaking of two crossworld luminaries, shout-out to my test solvers this week, who made this puzzle less tortured in spots.

That's it, I guess - applet under the cut. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Guest Puzzle: Too Young to Die, Too Old to Eat Off the Kids' Menu (by Will Eisenberg)


difficulty: medium?

Guest puzzle this week by Will Eisenberg, a lovely guy whose interests - sports, food, classical music, etc. - could not be more diametrically opposed to mine! But the "theme" of this puzzle is a shared love of both of ours. Or a shared lust, in my case. Hrnnng.

Anyway, I took last week off because I had not one, but TWO themeless puzzles in other outlets and didn't want to detract from those. One was the American Values Club Crossword, where I did a themeless in collaboration with the Biz Quig himself; the other was the Newsday Themeless Saturday puzzle, which I did in collaboration with frequent QV collaborator Matthew Stock. Check em both out. But not before you do Will's puzzle under the cut! Hope you like it.